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Αυτή η έκθεση αναλύει θέματα σημαντικά για τους ενήλικες, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του γάμου και της σεξουαλικότητας. Αυτή η αναφορά χρησιμοποιεί άμεση γλώσσα και χρησιμοποιεί μια ολοκληρωμένη προσέγγιση στο γράφημα. Όπως και οι άλλες αναφορές (αστρολογικές αναλύσεις) του myHoroscope, λαμβάνουμε πολύ θετικά σχόλια και για αυτήν.

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*** Δείγμα ανάλυσης ***

This astrological report is designed as a guide for the New Age woman and in it I have considered how the astral influences affect a woman in particular. A great difference exists between the interpretation of a horoscope of a man and a woman, and that is what I am trying to make clear here.

This report is divided into two sections: the first one analyzes your personality with its multiple facets (Sun and Moon positions); and the second one analyzes the twelve astrological houses.

This report is not merely descriptive. In the majority of cases, ideas are suggested that can help your personal evolution. The subjects are approached from different points of view such as metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional and general.

In a few places there may be certain contradictions because an astrological influence may favor one aspect of life and harm another. Because of that, it is necessary that you read the report with a bit of logic and, especially, that you let your intuition guide you.

Woman has greatly changed her social position over time and the realization of the New Age depends in great measure on her. Because of that it is necessary that you know yourself, that you know your potential and your limitations, because by working on your personal evolution you help everyone else as well, contributing to the evolution of all life.

Chapter 1: Your essence. Your Self. The Sun.

Character is destiny. By improving
your personality you create good
conditions for your future.

Sun in Pisces

Λουκία, you were born under the sign of Pisces and your ruling planets are Neptune and Jupiter, which empower you with great kindness, sensitivity and mysticism.

You are a gentle, romantic, idealistic and helpful person. Your great sensitivity leads you to feel compassion for needy people and you are always willing to help and sacrifice for your loved ones. Your aspirations in life point more towards self-realization in the emotional field than in the material one. You are very intuitive and perceive everything that occurs around you. You will be very sought after by your friends or family for the moral support you offer, causing you tension because you will delve deeply into their problems.

You are kind and very loving; you are also a dreamer. You express affection easily, becoming emotional when confronted with nature, animals, art and, especially, music. You have great artistic abilities through which you can channel your inspiration. You are very idealistic and rarely see people just as they are, which will cause you to be easily deceived.

Your helpful attitude is expressed with more intensity when you are in love. You are willing to give everything, to alter your life totally, by changing your residence, your job, etc. You enjoy life immensely when you are in love and are loved in return. You need to feel protected and supported by your companion. The material world can be too complex for your fantasies and extreme sensitivity, and because of that, you will search for someone to resolve those things you cannot. In return, you will do everything possible to make the man that accompanies you very happy.

Λουκία, you were born to serve, to help, and to heal people, and also to collaborate with others. One of your missions is to teach others to act in an unbiased, loving way. You will excel in humanitarian and artistic activities and in those areas in which you can develop your sensitivity, compassion and intuition.

To evolve, you need to be more realistic and practical. You must leave your shelter without fear and participate fully in life. Avoid procrastination, laziness, and shyness. You must learn how to organize yourself and your finances to avoid economic chaos. You can be easily influenced and the success of your objectives depends greatly upon the support you receive. You must learn to overcome the search for approval and shed your victim-like pose, instead assuming your proper responsibilities.

Sun in 3rd house

You have an outstanding mind that will lead you to think of very original solutions to your problems. It is important that you study and grow intellectually because that will form the basis for your self-confidence. You can excel in activities related to communications such as journalism, literature, speaking, etc.

If you have brothers, they will be an important influence in your life and you will probably have a particular fondness for one of them. You invest a lot of importance in your immediate environment, and you will search for a good neighborhood in which to live.

Because of your mental restlessness, you will travel a lot and wish to meet different people. You will be very curious and you will be interested in knowing different things. On the negative side, you have a tendency towards impatience, inconsistency and arrogance; you can also be very opinionated with your ideas.

Sun conjunct Moon

You were born with the New Moon light and this provides you with great energy to initiate enterprises and realize your objectives. You will be very firm in your opinions and it is probable that no one will change your ideas; because of that, you must try to think in a positive manner and avoid anxiety.

You will be an authoritative woman, sure of yourself. You will be proud of your femininity and will search for your place in the world. This astrological configuration accentuates the characteristics described in the paragraph above.

During your childhood you observed your father fulfill the role of a mother and vice versa; as a result, you are prepared to act in the same manner assuming responsibilities and work of all sorts. As a mother you will become authoritative and will be very proud of your children; you will defend them with all your strength and you will do everything in your power to guide them through life. You must try to cultivate flexibility in your temperament and not go to extremes.

Sun opposition or square Saturn

You are severe, and rigid in your decisions. You probably do not show on the outside everything that goes on inside. You consider life to be hard and think everything you wish to obtain requires a sacrifice. At times, your attitude can be excessively realistic to the point of pessimism. You must learn to be more positive and change your mental programming of …”everything is difficult”… for other, more effective thoughts that will more easily allow you to obtain what you want.

You will live many karmic trials during your life which will cause frustration or depression. Maintain your peacefulness to be able to capture from life the lessons that you must learn.

The relationship with your father was not an easy one. The lack of understanding from him, his enmity or absence in your life created an emptiness that you will try to fill with your companion and that will only lead to more frustration. You will choose a hard, unemotional, inflexible and perhaps irresponsible man who will limit greatly your personal evolution. His frustrations will also be yours and his problems will not let you concentrate on your own. Do not fall into the error of blaming him for your limitations, there are always choices on your part and you have to work with yourself to create a better future.

To help yourself you must first free yourself from bad memories of the past, learn to forgive, and eliminate any resentment you may feel; you must trust your own resources and value them without expecting recognition from others (remember your lack of paternal approval). Otherwise, you will often complain about your reality. You may also have some health problems, especially in your joints and bones.


Chapter 2: The Moon. Your emotional world

Moon in Pisces

You identify yourself as a romantic, idealistic and helpful woman. You are a dreamer and, most of the time, you do not see others as they are. Because of your idealism you only see the best in people and can wind up deceived and disillusioned. You have a very developed humanitarian sense and you react strongly to the pain of others with compassion, protectiveness and unselfishness. Your capacity to give of yourself is great and you tend towards symbiosis with your loved ones. In addition you can excel because of your high degree of artistic or literary skills.

Your emotional world is very intense and very rarely will you be overly rational or unemotional. You enjoy love and all its manifestations to a large extent. You are very sensitive and can cry easily. In difficult situations you require the help of others to survive. You are evasive and fearful of conflict; you prefer to remain quiet rather than argue and hope your conflicts will solve themselves. You must surround yourself by positive people because you are extremely receptive to the energy that surrounds you. You must learn to discriminate and separate your problems from those of others, and also to not take to heart the responses you receive.

Your relationship with your mother has been neither clear nor defined; at times you may have idolized her, and others, you did not hold her in high esteem. She probably sacrificed herself a lot for her home, putting her own ambitions aside and demonstrating an attitude of resignation towards the situation. In general, her attitudes were helpful and not selfish.

As a mother you will be very intuitive, sensitive and loving. You will always be willing to offer affection to your children and all the attention they need. Try to avoid being obsessive or overprotective with them. Trust in them and teach them to be independent. It is important that in the future you do not recriminate your children for all you have done for them.

During past lives you remained confined for a long time in a convent, hospital, monastery or other institution, learning to have a life ordered by others and dependent upon them. You learned to develop an idealized vision of life that possibly was not in accordance with reality. In this incarnation you have to learn to resolve your own your financial problems, paying attention to various needs that may occur in your life. You must avoid the tendency to isolate yourself when confronting a problem or to feel forsaken when you are alone. On the other hand, your religious faith is important and illuminating. Avoid the torment of the idea of sin and punishment so you can see more clearly what God, or life, wishes to teach you.

Moon in 3rd house

Your feminine identity will become manifest through the power of your mind and your ideas. Λουκία, you are very imaginative and intuitive. If you dedicate yourself to writing, journalism or publicity, you could become very famous. You are very restless and that will lead you to travel much and to make connections with people. You have the capacity to understand other people’s emotions and the ability to convey sensations and states of mind. You cannot stand routine and your changing and curious mind will keep you in constant movement.

In addition, if you have brothers you will be close to them and they will have an important place in your life. You will be well known in your town and you will play an important role among your neighbors and parents.

This position also causes changes in studies, changes in school and lack of concentration. You can be a romantic and imaginative dreamer, and your mind will quickly eschew any themes you find boring or too abstract.

Moon opposition or square Saturn

You are hard-working, practical, realistic and firm in your objectives. Because of the great number of responsibilities that you assume, you feel that life is difficult and you have many problems to solve. You sacrifice yourself to prove to yourself what you are capable of doing.

Also, you feel that you do not have total freedom to express yourself as a woman. The lack of a feeling of personal security and the fear of frustration inhibit or limit demonstrations of affections. To others you may seem cold or distant when in reality your feelings are strong and lasting. You have to conquer your inhibitions and express your emotions more openly, and you have to fight the tendency towards depression and solitude.

You had a difficult infancy and you did not receive enough maternal love. Maybe your mother was too busy or distant from you to pay you attention. Many present insecurities stem from the relationship between the two of you. You must learn to free yourself from sad, frustrating or perturbing memories, both from your infancy and from other past emotional situations. You tend to stay trapped in memories limiting your possibilities of present joy.

If you succeed in liberating your emotional energy you will also avoid future health problems. This astrological aspect can cause feminine problems, menstrual irregularities, or problems in your joints.


Your destiny according to the 12 astrological houses.

FIRST HOUSE: Your personality. Your body. Your childhoodur childhood.

Ascendant in Sagittarius

People see you as a restless, happy, and very spontaneous woman. You leave a bit of humor and joy everywhere you go.

You have a very jovial and childlike attitude that will make you look younger than you really are. You are very curious and like to know everything that is going on around you, so you act freely and relate easily to people. You are ingenious and easily influenced by others; you must try to surround yourself with positive and sincere people. You become enthusiastic with any new project because you like adventure, but can abandon them quickly if you become bored or lose interest. The same happens in your romantic attachments. You must learn to control impulsiveness to avoid future problems. In addition, you are idealistic and you like just causes. You are also interested in traveling, especially to faraway and strange places.

You are very energetic and that will keep you active. It is recommended that you practice a sport or exercise regularly, or you will become more aggressive. You should also be more conscious of your nutrition and be careful with excesses because you have a tendency to gain weight easily. Do not neglect or abuse your vitality.

Your childhood was generally happy and you received everything you needed. Also, it is possible that you were overprotected by one of your parents and that leads you today into being more dependent, spendthrift and whimsical. If you did not learn to be orderly then, you will not be so now nor in the future. You must be conscious of your obligations and responsibilities so as not to generate problems in your practical life, and do not look for someone else to solve them. You must maintain your optimistic attitude and your sense of humor because they will generate positive energy in every aspect of your life.

Neptune in 1st house

You were born with charm, mystery, magnetism and charisma. You are refined, likeable and very imaginative. Your fantasy world is enormous and you will be tempted to spend the majority of your time there. You are an eternal idealist exposed to deception and disillusionment with the people you love because of not seeing them objectively. Your refined sensitivity will allow you to perceive the internal motives of the people around you; in addition, your intuition is notable and it is possible you have had paranormal experiences since childhood. During your adult life you will feel very attracted to mystical and metaphysical subjects. Often you will seem to experience emotions that are not your own but from your environment, which means that you will be charged with the energy of other people. This could alter your mood and at times harm you.

Water will be your healing element and to live near the coast or on the beach would be very comforting to your spirit. Inspiration and imagination characterize your personality making music and theater particularly apt for you, though all artistic manifestations seem to be suitable to your temperament. On the negative side, the presence of this star could generate in you certain fears or insecurities. It is to be hoped your parents did not resort to fearful images to control you during childhood, when you were so sensitive and impressionable, but instead, fed the great sensitivity you possess.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Your generation will need new religious and philosophical values. They are very profound and inquisitive about the meaning of life. It is also probable that during this period many educational laws and programs will be reformed. Λουκία, as a part of this generation, you will be very interested in being in those reform groups; you are inclined towards disseminating new ideas, seeking a universal religion, and getting to know different cultures. At some time it is possible that you will meet false prophets but your own intuition will allow you to distinguish them.

Neptune trine or sextile Pluto

You possess a great creative and artistic ability. You will also fight against injustices and will seek reforms in the legislative system. Your intuition is powerful and will lead you to study and reveal the secrets of nature. It is probable that you are not totally understood in your ideas about freedom or in the use of your mystical knowledge; nevertheless, your interest in the subject will not wane.


SECOND HOUSE: Money. Assets. Resources.

Capricorn on 2nd house cusp

Your economic progress in life will be gradual, slow, and progressive thanks to constant work and your maturation over time. Because of this, it is possible that during the first part of your life you suffer from several limitations, ups and downs or delays in the material plane.

You can excel in administrative or organizational jobs or those in which you assume big responsibilities. You must learn to manage your own earnings, and also to save for the future; that way you will avoid pitfalls and difficulties.

If you do not maintain your self-esteem and elevated confidence, you will suffer many economic frustrations and will seek protection from your close relatives and friends. You must trust your own initiative.

Venus in 2nd house

You possess the ability to earn money; you will be prosperous and very lucky. Social status and luxuries are very important to you and you will probably spend a lot of money on pleasures. You possess great charm and that will make you apt to excel in jobs concerning the public, the arts or the world of fashion and beauty products.

Venus in Capricorn

You are very reserved with your feelings, with an unemotional and controlled appearance, though inside you are passionate. Basically, you tend to feel insecure and are slow to offer yourself to people. You could compensate for your insecurities by developing a materialistic sense or by seeking professional and social success. It is hard for you to show your kindness and gentleness. It is probable that you will fall in love with someone older who will protect you, or someone younger whom you will protect. Love, for you, is associated with responsibility and you are very faithful to your feelings once you are in love. Thanks to your leadership potential you could be very successful in business.

Venus opposition or square Jupiter

You can be somewhat vain or conceited and, because you were overprotected by your parents, you could be neglectful and disorganized. You possess a tendency to exaggerate situations and also to lack control of your finances. Your strong optimism will make you a bit unrealistic, and therefore, prone to place yourself in situations that later on you cannot resolve. It would have been better if your parents had not been so accommodating but instead had taught you to earn things on your own.

Venus trine or sextile Uranus

You love your freedom above all other things. Your feelings can be unusual and your aesthetic taste very original. Your great creativity excels and you can be very successful if you dedicate yourself to some artistic activity. Your rebelliousness is understandable and you will never be destructive. Your personality is magnetic and unconventional and will awaken much attraction in the opposite sex. Your romances could be fleeting and very special. You will always seek what is different, unique and original.

Venus opposition or square Pluto

You are very demanding of the people you love. You can feel jealous when one of your friends also has another friend because you want to hoard all the attention. Your emotional life will be very deep and complex at the same time. It is probable that you grew up in a somewhat chaotic home, with intense demonstrations both of affection and aggressiveness. Your passion could complicate your life, especially in financial matters. Your sexual life will also be intense and it is recommended that you get a good education on that subject. You will experience stormy romances, with extreme emotions that go from love to hate and vice versa.


THIRD HOUSE: Your mind. Your education. Short trips.

Your brothers and sisters.

The mind is a magnet: it attracts
to you exactly what you
think about.

Aquarius on 3rd house cusp

Λουκία, you are interested in everything new, strange, or different. You express your ideas openly and they can seem extravagant or illogical to others. Your mind is very ingenious and inventive. It can conceive of revolutionary ideas or concepts of the future very different from those that dominate society.

You are very restless and inconstant with your studies. You feel a great curiosity towards everything new and strange, and you become bored with the traditional or classic. You can study enthusiastically and then change over time. It is possible that during your youth you changed schools several times.

The opportunity will present itself to take sudden short trips. It is possible that you travel a lot by airplane and that you stay in a foreign land for a while.

This same influence generates great differences between you and your siblings (if you have any) or other relatives because of your rebellious nature and desire for personal freedom. You will be very well known in your social circle.

Mercury in 3rd house

You are very intelligent and are avidly interested in knowledge. Your restlessness will make you question yourself and ask about all the people around you. The danger exists that you will not concentrate enough on any one topic, but instead will tend to know a bit about everything. You do not like to remain in the same place for a long time, and that includes both being seated at your job and remaining at home. You will make many small voyages that will enrich your intellect. You have great literary ability and could excel as a journalist or investigator. In general, you will have good communications with people and especially with your siblings.

Mercury in Pisces

Your mind is imaginative and receptive. You have a great intuition that allows you to know the ideas and feelings of others without anyone uttering a single word. Your great wealth of fantasy and inspiration give you an aptitude for artistic or literary works, but they can also accentuate your tendency towards evasiveness. Often, Λουκία, you prefer to live in your magical internal world instead of confronting cruel reality. Your mind is not completely logical or rational, instead it is controlled by your emotions. Your manner of communication is changeable and you are only open with those with whom you have an close ties. The lack of concentration and consistency can cause difficulties in your studies but if you receive the encouragement you need, you will assume all your responsibilities. It is difficult for you to be objective in your opinions and you are easily influenced. You will be interested in everything related to psychology and nature, and you will probably have difficulty with mathematics.

Mercury trine or sextile Venus

Your mind is refined and your reasoning is intimately tied to your emotions. You express yourself warmly and sweetly; you will have much success with the public and can excel as a speaker. Also, Λουκία, you are very creative and it is probable that you demonstrate artistic qualities. You do not like to argue or to remain in noisy places. To achieve good relations with others, you need to feel harmony in your environment.

Mercury trine or sextile Uranus

You always have original and brilliant ideas. Your creative and talented mind will be constantly active demonstrating its genius and quickness in understanding ideas that others cannot. You are very eloquent and a bit dramatic in expressing yourself. Also, you are very intuitive, which leads you to comprehend things more deeply. You are interested in everything new, original, and progressive.

Mercury opposition or square Neptune

Your mind is full of fantasies and illusions. It is hard for you to be objective and concrete with your ideas and you tend to be disorderly and lose concentration on your studies. Your extreme sensitivity may lead you to retreat to your fantasy world when you feel disappointed or hurt. Because of your creative and imaginative mind, you can excel in artistic achievements where you will communicate your ideas more easily. If you have grown up in a stable and harmonious home you will avoid your escapist tendency.

Mars in 3rd house

Your mind is very inquisitive, acute and impatient. It is probable that the majority of your decisions are made hastily and without a lot of reasoning. You like to argue and possess the ability to defend yourself verbally, though at times you could be overly aggressive with words. Your attention span will be intense but not long, so that you could lose your patience with details, projects or studies that require a very prolonged mental effort. You could have abandoned your studies because of boredom. It is advisable that you combine your intellectual activity with some physical activity. This astrological position can bring conflicts and fights with your siblings if you have any, or with relatives and neighbors in general.

Mars in Aquarius

Instead of acting and working according to established norms, you seek to do it your own way, which could make you both a creative and revolutionary person. You are very intelligent, and your great energy will be expressed more in the mental field than in the physical one. You are very inventive and original, and can be rebellious towards any authority figure, beginning with your parents and continuing with your teachers, bosses, etc. Though you can respect laws or commands that have logic and coherence, you will never obey them cheerfully. As you grow, you will care about benefiting society and maybe you will occupy a political role where you will demonstrate your ability as a leader. You probably confront all challenges in your life calmly and consider every step you take. You must have some physical activity to compensate for your intense mental work.


FOURTH HOUSE: Your home. Middle Age and Later Years.

Aries on 4th house cusp

Life in your family home was tense, active and stimulating. One of your parents showed much character, authority and aggressiveness, and there were probably frequent discussions and fights. You found in your home as much stimulus for your enterprises as strong opposition. You grew up in an active home and, somehow, that impelled you into action.

During your maturity you will be a very dynamic, energetic and hard worker. You will not be able to conceive of retiring or being passive during your senior years. You will feel full of vitality and enthusiasm, and will show yourself to be capable of initiative. You will be youthful, positive, aggressive, and impatient with people who get in your way because you are not willing to waste your time.

In this stage of your life, you undergo radical changes of various kinds (home, work and companion), so that you feel you are beginning an independent and full cycle. This influence offers you a long life.


FIFTH HOUSE: Love. Romance. Children.

‘Love is blind when it is born,
nearsighted when it grows, and
it sees all when it dies.’

Taurus on 5th house cusp

If there are no indications to the contrary, you will have a moderate number of children: one or two. They will be very loving, sensitive and attached to you. You have to be very demonstrative with your children and offer them the emotional security that they need and in the future you will receive a lot of love in return. Your children will tend to be possessive and to require a lot of attention from their mother. Try not to be overprotective or too complacent.

You associate love with the idea of stability. You are not attracted by fleeting or seductive relationships and you desire a trustworthy, solid and permanent man in your life. Even though you are very romantic, you keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and you think a long time before opening your heart to someone. Once the initial coldness is overcome, you prove to be passionate and sensual. You have stable and long-lasting feelings and, at times, will stay fervently attached to a relationship even if it has no future.

This configuration suggests few courtships or long-term relationships; however you have great charisma and, even though you do not seek it, you will always have an admirer in your life.

The following list will help you understand how you can
relate yourself to the rest of the signs. If you happen to
know the other person’s rising sign, you have to combine it
with his/her sign in order to get a more complete description
of that person.

You will feel a great personal identification with people of this sign and together you can develop projects common to both. A good sign for marriage.

A relationship tied in with business, finances or financial aid is favored over a romantic one. The union offers stability and protection but could also be out of an interest in money.

You could maintain very good communication and an interchange of ideas. A mental or light relationship is indicated.

A personal and intimate relationship in which deep emotions will be shared. A very good sign for marriage because it indicates the possibility of making a home together.

A relationship of mutual love and attraction. You can enjoy and share many happy moments but difficulties exist in maintaining the relationship over time. Ideal sign for courtship or romance, not for marriage.

An unequal relationship in which one offers more than the other. A difficulty exists in openly expressing feelings. A work relationship is favored over a romantic one.

Ideal sign for marriage or associations. It is also possible that one of your best friends is of this sign. This is a sign of complements; each can have opposing personal characteristics and that generates attraction.

Magnetic and intense attraction is indicated. Sign of passionate and uncontrolled romance based on a strong sexual attraction. A relationship that implies a dare or a strong emotional experience.

A sign that represents a second marriage; a happier and more spontaneous relationship based upon the exchange of ideas common to both. One could assume a protective or teaching role with the other. Probability of an encounter in a foreign land or of long voyages together.

A sign that stands out in your destiny. The people of this sign, both friends and lovers, will exert an important influence in your life. It is an ideal sign for marriage because it points out objectives and ambitions common to both, but it can also indicate too much worry over social status.

Sign of friendship that represents common desires and fantasies. Open, friendly, happy and warm relationship, though probably it will not be lasting. If other common elements exist, it may lead to a marriage based on friendship and respect for each other’s individuality.

Karmic relationship initiated in previous lives. It is possible that you have to confront strong difficulties to be together and that it is a clandestine or secret relationship. Also, it can indicate an impossible or intriguing love affair. This sign is the least favorable for obtaining a happy and open relationship; if you are involved in one, it will be difficult for you to cut yourself off or escape because of doubts about your destiny and the lessons you have to learn.

Remember the following: everything that he does to you is what you did to him in previous lives. It is good for you to practice the exercise of forgiveness and forget any negative emotions.

Note: if two signs are repeated, it means that the relationship
is more complex. If one of the signs is missing, its
interpretation is the same as the previous one. To make things
easier, this is the list of the signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius and Pisces.

All relationships are PERFECT. Each situation you experience with another person is the perfect and necessary one for your evolution; because of this, it is important that you do not cling to negative emotions such as anguish, depression, fury, frustration, etc., and that you try to see at every moment what life wants to teach you. Each person you know has a message for you and until you listen to it, it is highly probable that it will be repeated. Some relationships have karmic ties: they have been initiated in other lives and there may be dues to pay. It is possible that what someone makes you suffer is what you have done to him/her in another time. That is why you must forgive and forget. In every situation repeat to yourself : ‘everything is perfect’; though at the beginning you may not understand it, later it will be crystal clear.

SIXTH HOUSE: Health. Nutrition. Work. Service.

Attention: in this section you will find recommendations to
improve your health, but in cases with specific problems you
must consult your doctor.

Sun in Pisces

Pisces rules the feet, including the toes, ligaments and muscles, the lymphatic system and the human psyche. You are very receptive and sensitive, and your body tends to react to your environment. Many of your organic problems originate in emotional disturbances, which makes the diagnosis of your illnesses difficult or, possibly, erroneous. You are very suggestible and must avoid surrounding yourself with negative people. Also, you are very careless and disorganized with medical treatments or diets. Your laziness added to your tendency to retain fluids can lead you to gain weight very easily. You can also become addicted easily so you must learn to avoid sedatives, alcoholic beverages, drugs, and to sleep only the necessary amount of hours.

To preserve good health, you must consider the following: do not avoid your problems by sleeping a lot; have some type of artistic and creative outlet; maintain a macrobiotic-type or vegetarian diet; be consistent with your diet; restrict yourself from salty foods and use salt without sodium; search for harmony and internal peace by surrounding yourself with positive people, attending spiritual meetings or groups, or practicing Yoga and meditation; pray; avoid self-medication completely; have direct contact with nature, especially with water; express your emotions and communicate your distress; do not smoke or drink alcohol; maintain some type of physical activity or a noncompetitive sport; listen to soft music and perform mental control exercises to eradicate acquired negative thoughts or suggestions.

Saturn in Virgo

This astrological position can cause intestinal blockages, constipation, poor or slow peristaltic movement, colitis, diarrhea, and a poor enzymatic action in the liver. You must help your digestive-intestinal process by eating high fiber foods.

Taurus on 6th house cusp

Your short term health problems may be caused by an excess of sugars and starches, and by the lack of vitamin E, niacin, niacin amide, copper and chromium. This could lead to tonsillitis, angina, swollen neck glands, polyps, loss of voice, or muscular pain in the neck.

It is recommended that you improve your diet by avoiding sweets, carbonated drinks, ice cream, cream-filled pastries and anything that can lead to an excess of sugar; in its place, you must learn to eat fresh fruit in season and drink freshly-squeezed juices. Recommended vegetables are: watercress, mushrooms, broccoli, peas, alfalfa, soy sprouts, brown rice, wheat germ, nuts, seeds in general, bee pollen, etc.

Your long term health problems may be caused by the lack of amino acids, iron, phosphorous, cobalt, vitamins B-12 and F. This could lead to sinus colds, diseases of the mucous membranes and nasal cartilage, hernias, bruises, fractures, stones, muscular weakness, etc.

It is recommended that you add to your diet: spinach, beets, lentils, broccoli, onions, olives, avocado, and all the red-leaf vegetables.

To keep in mind: many of your emotional unbalances are not produced by external situations or experiences but by blood disorders. The lack of some nutrients or intoxication or other excesses, can often cause changes in your system and lead to depression, anguish, fatigue or aggressiveness. Because of that, if you want to be happy, do not neglect your body–give it the best nutrition possible.

SEVENTH HOUSE: Associations. Marriage.

Your companion is your reflection.
Everything you find in him/her, in
some way is in you.

Gemini on 7th house cusp

It is possible that you marry young and that your decision may be made immaturely. You will choose an intelligent, talkative, curious, but also very unstable and changeable man as a husband. Together you could share many happy moments, travels, entertainment, and most importantly, conversations. Neither will be sufficiently mature, and that could cause some susceptibility to family opinions. Your husband can be naive or easily influenced and, if you do not surround yourself with positive people, you may live in discord or have fights instigated by others.

Your need to have a flexible and changing relationship, and the inconsistency of both make the probability of divorce great, especially if the relationship becomes boring or monotonous. It is necessary that you work together in difficult moments and that you communicate well. On your part, you must avoid the tendency to be aggressive or very demanding of him, learning to see your mistakes too.

Your interests will change a lot through time and it is necessary that your relationship adjusts to such changes; otherwise, you will look for a new person. This astrological influence can bring you two or more marriages.

Do not evaluate the success of a relationship by the result because it does not depend solely upon you. Always analyze what you have done: if you have offered yourself correctly, if you have loved sincerely, if you have set aside your selfishness, etc. What the other person does is his/her own responsibility and you cannot manipulate it. In a couple, the responsibilities are always divided in half; take care of your share. At times, one gives everything and does not receive anything; it does not matter. Destiny will take care of it, returning all the love you may have given. Do not make the mistake of secluding or hardening yourself or becoming emotionally detached because of suffering caused by others. Try always to be truthful with what you feel and give yourself fearlessly because in the Universe nothing gets lost and everything you give, you will get back.

EIGHTH HOUSE: Dangers. Inheritances. Legacies.

Cancer on 8th house cusp

Your main element of danger is related to the water. You must be very careful if you go to a river, lake or ocean. In reality, this influence is benevolent and protective, and will free you from true dangers.

It is probable that you will, later in life, receive family inheritances or other major inherited goods, such as real estate or lands that will increase your estate.

Things that benefit Pisces:

Sun in Pisces

YOUR FAVORABLE DAY: Wednesday and Thursday.

NUMBER: 3 and 6.

COLORS: emerald green, light yellow, pink and white. All the diverse tones of blue and green favor you greatly. It is important that you choose the colors of your garments and those in your environment wisely because they alter you moods considerably. Avoid strong colors.

STONES: emerald, pink amethyst, opal, selenite and pearls.

METAL: tin. In jewelry silver and platinum favor you more than gold. If you use the latter, you must accompany it by one of the stones above.

Equal energies attract; because of this, people with the same tastes gather together. If you want to attract positive people to your life and experience happy situations, you must take care to improve your own energy. The only way to find a good companion, good friend, good job, etc., is by being good yourself, radiating positive energy. Keep in mind that you will never conquer someone using pity or threats, instead you will provoke the opposite response. If you desire someone or something, you have to be splendid inside and out. If you feel good about yourself, you will attract the best.

Jupiter in 8th house

You are very skillful at managing your own or someone else’s money. You could excel as a administrator, accountant or banker. It is also possible that you will receive money or possessions through marriage or inheritances. You will have an intense emotional and sexual life, which could make you selfish or show a lack of judgment. You will have a very long life.

Jupiter in Leo

You need to feel proud of everything you do and you seek the approval of your friends and family. You are very likable and full of good humor and you monopolize everyone’s attention. You are prone to exaggeration and will want everything, and in large amounts. You also have a strong sense of justice and the tendency to command. Because of your “”likeability”” you will have no trouble asserting yourself and will always achieve what you want.


NINTH HOUSE: Religion. Long trips.

Leo on 9th house cusp

You feel a great closeness to God and your religious ideas are strong. It is probable that throughout your life you have practiced religions different from your parents’. You are interested in knowing about different philosophies and you have the ability to synthesize your own belief system. If you maintain a regular religious practice or meditate frequently, the energy you receive from the astral plane will greatly improve your life.

In addition, you feel a great desire to explore the world and to see different places. If you move abroad, the possibility exists that you will be very successful and will receive honors. You could achieve fame or an elevated social position and you could find yourself experiencing several romances.

Saturn in 9th house

You possess a cautious and conservative vision of life. Your general attitude is that of a cautious person who achieves everything in life by being prepared and working hard. Your approach to problems will be systematic; you will always seek practical solutions. You could be somewhat structured in your way of thinking, possibly excelling in sciences and mathematics. With this astrological position you could excel as a professor, scientist or metaphysicist. You will be attracted to long trips and foreign countries, though there will be difficulties and delays in your life before you do any traveling. You could be dogmatic or even fanatic with some of your ideas, though with time you will become wiser and more tolerant.

Saturn in Virgo

You are a hard-working and careful person with a moral and conscientious attitude. You are very efficient, secure and precise in your tasks, paying close attention to details and seeking perfection in everything you do. You must learn to cultivate your sense of humor and to overcome the tendency to worry too much. Your self-esteem will grow whenever you feel useful. From childhood you have developed a strong critical sense of yourself and others. If you condemn yourself for the mistakes you make you could inhibit your initiative. Your practical and realistic manner can mean a lack of ideals and fantasies. It is important that you learn to loosen up more, to allow yourself to make mistakes and to grow from them.


TENTH HOUSE: Vocation. Professional success.

Note: in order to come to a more accurate conclusion, you must
combine the information below with the characteristics of your
Sun (Chapter 1) and your Moon (Chapter 2).

0-15 Deg of Libra on 10th house cusp

Your destiny will lead you to excel in activities where you can demonstrate your great sense of justice, your love of harmony and your artistic gifts. You demonstrate a great adaptability, patience, and persistence in reaching what you have in mind. In reality, you only appear to be flexible–inside you never change or listen to anyone; you follow your own goals but no one notices it because you find the most appropriate route without damaging other people’s egos and without attracting too much attention. Λουκία, you forget offenses when it is convenient but you can hold grudges that you will act on once you reach the position you long for. You are reserved and you always show an enchanting smile, gentle and courteous behavior, a soft voice and a humble attitude towards others. Diplomacy and personal charm are your best weapons.

Your vocational choice points toward one of the following professions: lawyer, diplomat, judge, mediator, arbitrator, artist, fashion designer, cosmetologist, salesperson, beautician, etc., or any other profession where you can be in contact with the public.

Your home could have been a bit tumultuous and disordered, with one authoritative parent who imposed his/her rule aggressively. You sought independence prematurely and assumed many responsibilities in your youth. Λουκία, you are interested in making your way in the world on your own and you will not depend on your family or others. The people of Libra will be strongly influential in your destiny.

Pluto in 10th house

You possess a great capacity for excelling as a leader among your friends. You must learn to be more patient and flexible to achieve more success in your future life. It is also important that you learn to obey rules, or otherwise you could invite trouble. It is probable that your future job will involve producing changes and transformations in your environment, or helping in the process of healing people, like medicine and psychiatry. It does not matter what your profession may be, it is sure that you will occupy a position of authority and will be both loved and hated, but you will never be unnoticed.

Pluto in Libra

Your generation cares about the development of human relations and communication. They are not selfish but instead are willing to listen to others, seeking agreement and balance between different points of view. They are interested in psychology and sociology and will propose new styles of unions, both commercial and matrimonial, with the idea of achieving more understanding and happiness. Politicians will strive to achieve peace treaties and harmony between different countries, eliminating the armament race or the preponderance of one in power. Λουκία, as a part of this movement, you show a love for beauty and harmony; you possess a great sense of justice and a very developed social instinct.


ELEVENTH HOUSE: Friendship. Group activities.

‘A shared grief is divided, a joy
is multiplied.’

Scorpio on 11th house cusp

You are very selective with your friends. You need time to find the degree of trust that you can place in each person before giving yourself. You are very suspicious and cautious, which will mean you have few friends but any friendships you do have are very close and lasting. You choose people who are authoritative and passionate in their ideas. You will share moments of mutual exchange of ideas and others that are more tense since you prefer to fight and argue rather than keep your ideas to yourself, and the friends you choose feel the same way. You enjoy sincere and very frank friends; it will be difficult for you to forgive or forget betrayals or lies from others.

Your social life will not be intense due to your selective attitude and you will not find it easy to be in groups or associations where you have to be flexible or subdue your personality.

Uranus in 11th house

You are always surrounded by unusual and original friends who manifest to a great extent your own rebellious attitude. You find it easy to make friends though many of your relationships will not be deep or lasting. You are interested in group activities related to the improvement of life and you like to be surrounded by people and feel admired. You act without prejudice and will speak and relate to everyone equally. This freedom will also be manifested in other types of relations. Your main problem will be the lack of consistency.

Uranus in Scorpio

You belong to a generation that will break many taboos on life, death, sex, and other personal topics. You will defend your ideas with a certain fanaticism and be aggressive towards challengers. You are very dynamic, energetic and secure in expressing yourself though you must learn to be more flexible and less reactionary. Your intuition will be powerful and many inventions and discoveries characterize your era, especially in the fields of medicine and metaphysics.


TWELFTH HOUSE: Karma. Secret enemies. Bankruptcy.

Impossible things only require a
little more time.

Scorpio on 12th house cusp

You must learn to express your aggressiveness in a constructive and positive manner. You are full of physical energy and it is important that you keep your body active, otherwise your anxiety could increase. You do not take full advantage of your impulses and dynamic energy and you run the risk of leaving many of your projects half done. Also, you tend to neglect your intuition and your ability to develop yourself in the metaphysical world or in the occult sciences.

This influence will lead you to experience secret passions. Your sexual life will be extremely private and maybe a bit complex. It is important that you eliminate taboos or inhibitions that stop you from reaching a more fulfilled life romantically.

Throughout your life you could experience jealous or violent scenes, or confront powerful or secret enemies. In another area of your life, you could find serious problems or even fraud having to do with inheritances.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: To keep growing.


YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE, Louise L. Hay, Ed. Urano.

YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ed. Grijalbo.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF-ESTEEM, Nathaniel Branden, Ed. Paidos.

I’M OK-YOU’RE OK, Dr. Thomas A. Harris, Grijalbo. THE DANCE OF ANGER, Harriet Goldhor Lerner, Urano.


4 IN 1, Conny Mendez. GOD SPOKE TO ME, Eileen Caddy, Errepar.


THE KYBALION, Tres Iniciados, Kier.

MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS, Carl G. Jung, Caralt. THE HEALING OF EMOTIONS, Chris Griscom, Light Institute.





STAR SIGNS, Linda Goodman, Urano.


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